Background Literature
In this section I'll provide some links to relevant literature for my program stars.
I've tried to sub-divide into categories, but often a paper may fall in other categories as well.
As most of this website: presently still under construction.
I'll use the opportunity here to refer to some of my own work as well:
- my Ph.D. Thesis: On the properties and evolution of proto-planetary nebulae (1992)
- a paper for amateurs on undersampling (in german, but there is google translate):
S.Slijkhuis: Undersampling und das missverstandene Nyquist-Kriterium, in Spectrum no.43
Stellar evolution
- a good on-line description of stellar evolution after the main sequence up to the Asymptotic Giant Branch by John Lattanzio
RV Tauri and SRD variable stars, and other post-AGB objects
- Introductory pages at the AAVSO on RV Tauri stars, and references therein
- Ph.D. Thesis by Thomas Maas: A study of post-AGB stars with a dusty disc (2003)
(includes chapters on RV Tauri stars)