Sunken Mill Spectrographs
SMEtte Echelette Spectrograph
The current instrument is a prototype that was build quickly to test the principle. It works remarkably well, but has a low throughput. Up to 2012 the instrument was slitless, then a reflective slit + guiding unit was attached.
See here for more instrument info
Observations (under construction)
SMAGS Grating Spectrograph
SMAGS is primarily intended as a low resolution grating spectrograph, for observations of faint objects.
However, it is adaptable enough to be used with intermediate resolutions up to R=4000
Slitless Prism Spectrograph
This was my first spectrograph, built in 2008. The construction principles, using lightweight materials, I still use today. The instrument was sacrificed and converted into the SMEtte prototype.